A tooth loss can take place at any age. While people feel embarrassed about losing a tooth, they may not realize this is a common problem. A lot of health experts list tooth loss as a prevalent and concerning health issues in old age. So what exactly are the causes of tooth loss that makes it a common occurrence?
Poor Oral Hygiene
This is probably one of the common causes of tooth loss. Without proper oral hygiene, your teeth will start to decay and lose their grip. It is essential to brush your teeth twice every day and floss it after each meal to make sure there’s nothing left between your teeth.
Did you know that a lot of tooth issues begin in the gums? This is due to the exposure of the gums to bacteria that can infect them. Once infection sets in, it will spread to your teeth’s other supporting structures. Because your teeth are supported by other things such as the root, periodontal ligaments, and jawbone, a tooth loss can be caused by other conditions.
Tooth Decay
It is not surprising for people who don’t practice a health oral habit to lose teeth. The teeth and gums play a role in your general wellbeing and as you age, their ability to perform their functions will diminish, making you susceptible to oral health problems. Without proper dental care, plaque could develop and slowly eat up your tooth. Over time, your tooth will decay and can become too painful that you need to get it extracted.
Unhealthy Diet
You probably don’t realize that oral health problems do not often develop overnight. They are likely to wear down your teeth and gums after a while until you begin to experience pain. Your diet plays a role in how to keep your mouth healthy and clean. It is important to reduce your intake of sweets as this can damage your teeth overnight.
Knowing these causes of tooth loss should help you avoid them to ensure you keep your natural teeth for the longest time possible. But, if you are missing a tooth don’t be afraid to seek treatment. You have many treatment options out there including implants dentaires Dr. St-Onge. A dental implant is a solution to have your missing tooth replaced by something that looks and feels like your natural tooth. Just look for an experienced dental professional to get this implant.