Regular physical exercise reduces the risk of developing vein disease. If you are already struggling with vein diseases like –
- CVI or Chronic Venous Insufficiency
- DVT or Deep vein Thrombosis
- Pulmonary Embolism
- Varicose Veins
- Spider Veins
Vein health is crucial for the proper flow of blood circulation. This ensures that everybody tissue gets sufficient oxygen. Dysfunctional valves in the veins cause blood to flow backward, which causes pooling.
This makes the walls of the vein to stretch and bulge. It is a painful and frustrating situation. If you are wondering if it is fine to exercise with varicose veins condition or are there workouts that you must do and not do.
- Talk with your physician before starting an exercise regime to ensure it is safe for your condition.
- Always listen to what your body indicates. If an exercise hurts then stop!
- Warm-up is crucial to prepare muscles for other activities.
- Walking is an easy exercise form. Go out in the fresh air, walk inside a mall, and treadmill walk is also good. While walking the leg muscles push blood upwards through the veins, thus reducing pressure on the varicose veins. Regular walks assist in burning calories, strengthen muscles & bones, as well as maintain healthy blood pressure.
- Cycling is a low-impact exercise. It increases blood flow as well as protects joints. Your calf muscles strengthen and blood circulation gets improved with regular cycling. You can use stationary or traditional bikes. You can even do pedaling motions lying on the back.
- Calves’ movement is important to keep blood pumping in the legs. If you are unable to go for walks then work calf muscles with chair support. Slowly raise your body up and down on the toes for a minimum of 15 minutes. You can repeat this after a short break.
- Thigh muscles are also important as blood is pushed from upper legs to the heart. Thigh muscles can be worked either in a sitting or a standing position.
- Raising legs helps to decrease leg swelling due to poor blood circulation. Lie on the bed and raise your legs in the air or prop them against a wall. Remain in this position for 5 to 10 minutes and lower your legs. Repeat this for 5 to 6 times.
- Cool & stretch is important before ending your session. Slow down to bring the increased heart rate down and then stretch your legs gently.
- Never hold your breath because it includes straining, which increases venous pressure in the abdomen, preventing leg veins from pump out.
- Avoid lifting heavy objects.
- Never forget that besides exercise, a healthy diet is crucial.
- After vein surgery don’t push your workout regime without doctors’ instruction.